Nine blocks of flats come in from the cold.
HOUSEHOLDERS in nine blocks of privately-owned flats on Bakersmead estate in Hartlepool are looking forward to a cosy winter thanks to the Warm Up Hartlepool scheme.
The scheme aims to help householders in the borough access a range of energy efficiency measures that will make their homes warmer and cheaper to heat and is a joint initiative between Hartlepool Borough Council and home insulation company J&J Crump & Sons Ltd.
The Council has been able to determine where funding should be directed and residents in the borough can take advantage of the scheme’s extended qualification criteria to benefit from insulation and heating measures.
Homes in certain postcode areas automatically qualify for assistance which made it possible for the Bakersmead estate flats to receive free insulation measures.
“When our surveyors were in the area they discovered that the flats had been built with only partial wall insulation which meant that they were still losing a significant amount of heat through the walls,” explained Steve Crump, MD of J & J Crump and Son Ltd.
“Being able to pull in funding because the flats are in a qualifying postcode area under the Warm Up Hartlepool scheme meant that we have been able to install cavity wall insulation to all the blocks of flats and loft insulation to the top flats.
“It’s great that over 50 households are going to really feel the benefit of this extra insulation as winter approaches, and hopefully see a significant reduction in their fuel bills.”
Bakersmead Management Company in partnership with residential property managing agents Town and City Management Limited, who are responsible for managing the flats and the estate were delighted to be able to work with the Warm Up Hartlepool scheme to get the properties insulated free of charge.
“We were obviously very keen to ensure that all the properties were fully insulated,” said Val Cartwright Director of Bakersmead Management Company.
“When we were initially approached by J &J Crump we were a bit concerned about what the aesthetic impact would be on the buildings so had some reservations. But after looking at other properties they’d done the work on we were delighted to go ahead.
“Having the work carried out free of charge was a great opportunity for us. The team has done a great job and we are really pleased that all the householders in the blocks will feel the benefit this winter.”
Under the scheme thousands of Hartlepool homes will be eligible to apply for a range of energy efficiency measures, such as wall insulation, loft insulation, room in the roof insulation and in some cases replacement boilers or new heating systems.
Homes in certain postcode areas could qualify, as well as those that are in receipt of certain benefits, have an income threshold of less than £32,000 a year, and those with long-term health conditions which are made worse by the cold and damp.
Tony Hanson, Hartlepool Borough Council’s Assistant Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services, said: “This is a great example of how partnership working is really helping residents in Hartlepool.
“This is the first time that we as a Council have been able to determine where funding should be directed. Not being restricted by a very exact set of criteria means that many residents in the borough that may have missed out on previous schemes will be eligible to apply for a range of energy efficiency measures which is great news.
“We are delighted that the Warm Up Hartlepool scheme is going so well and encourage as many people as possible to get in touch to see if they could also benefit.”
Hartlepool residents should now have received letters through their doors which provide more information about the scheme, list the eligibility criteria and the various ways in which they can apply. For many residents, the energy efficiency measures will be free.